At Moenjodaro (Mound of dead) in the west bank of the Indus in Sindh one can see the remains of one of the
earliest and most developed urban civilizations of the ancient world. Discovered in 1922, Moenjodaro was once metropolis of
great importance, forming part of the Indus Valley Civilization. Now one can find the 4,000 years old brick ruins.
The Indus Valley Civilization flourished from 3,000 to 1,500 BC, making it contemporary with the ancient
civilization of Egypt and Mesopotamia. At its height it comprised at least 400 cities and towns along the Indus and its tributaries,
covering most of the present-day Pakistan and stretching north-west as far as modern Kabul and east as far as modern Delhi.
The water ways were the main highways connecting the empire. Flat bottomed barges almost identical to those still use today
plied the rivers from city to city. Few of the cities have been excavated