Kawai :
13 miles away from Balakot to Kaghan is Kawai in these 13 miles you'll reach the altitude of 4000
feet starting from 3000 feet which means that you have covered 1000 feet of altitude in just 13 miles. The main place here
to visit is Shogran, which is 5 miles jeep able trek now in these 5 miles you'll go up another 3000 feet. Now you are 7000
feet above the sea level and rightly so because Shogran means "Forest in the sky". You'll be able to view the some of the
lofty peaks from here, which are " Moosa Ka Musalla " and " Makra "having height of 14000 feet, and Malika-e-Parbat (Queen
of the Mountains) (17000 feet). Then comes Mahandri village the altitude here is 5,800 feet now the landscape and the scene
changes here and becomes wilder the river Mahandri is still with you but you'll feel it much closer to you. Another 11 miles
from here is the village Kaghan at 7000 feet is the wonderland here river is 800 feet below the road.
Naran is the middle point of Kaghan Valley and it is a place where you defiantly want to spend
few days of your leisure. This is the place of out-door pleasure. Here you'll depart from the river Kunhar and on both sides
of road there are vast fields. Don't look here and there the melody you are hearing is provided by the river Kunhar who is
with you on same level. If you like climbing this is a place for you because there are mountains all around you. You can explore
the scenic and pictorials landscape and valleys by climbing up hiking. If you like fishing get your fishing license we have
trout and mahasheer for you fishing here for tourist is must.